Pre-enrolled: 32,957
Enrolled: 11,735
Referrals to services: 17,848
One year follow-up surveys completed: 464
Referrals to Neurodevelopmental Center of Excellence: 2,641
Flint Registry Jobs Created: 55
The Registry is designed to help YOU with services you and your family may need. You will need to pre-enroll & get a code before registration.
Pre-enroll TODAY and encourage others by calling: 833-GOFLINT (463-5468) or visit the website at
Remember, you can fill out the survey and access help filling it out by calling the above phone number!
$50 Thank You Check after completed survey
Call 833-GOFLINT for information or to arrange small group information sessions.
The online adult survey takes 30 minutes, and the child survey takes 30 minutes. Eligibility and consent takes 15 minutes.
Don’t let the time it takes to pre-register stop you from doing so!
You can access food services, health services and more to help mitigate your exposure to lead.
“The registry will be a powerful tool to understand, measure, and improve the lives of those exposed to the contaminated water. The more people who participate in the registry, the more powerful this tool will be for Flint and for communities everywhere that continue to suffer from preventable lead exposure.” – Mona Hanna-Attisha, M.D. M.P.H.
Do it today!