Edible Flint has ordered Walker Farms and Wojo’s Greenhouse to start your vegetables and herbs for a May 15th pick up day for you!
LatinX has planted peppers to add to our cooking and eating choices.
This year the garden kits include 9 different vegetables and herbs as transplants and 17 different kinds of vegetable and herb seeds. AND we listened to your suggestions.
On the surveys many said the traditional kit was too large….Hispanic and Arabic gardeners brought additional requests and over these cold (and rather lonesome) months, a working team re-designed to your suggestions and those of our multi-cultural community.
The traditional Garden Kit has 34 plants of 9 vegetables and herbs. The Kitchen Garden has 19 plants of vegetables and herbs. And LatinX is growing a transplant kit (20 plants) of 6 peppers and gourds!
Order forms will be in the mail, at NEH, and online at edibleflint.org/garden-kits.html
Get ready to grow! Questions? (810) 348-5332