Last year at this time the Community Foundation of Greater Flint graced us with a grant to help with this newspaper. Then Covid 19 hit and it became necessary to amend the grant request because, suddenly, many of our distribution points were closed and many remain closed. Some temporarily, some permanently. Others have limited hours and nearly every one of them have limited capacity.
So, part of the grant money was spent to purchase newspaper vending boxes, although vending is probably the wrong word as it implies a payment of some sort.
Pictured are some that are designed to be brilliantly and artistically prominent so as to be hard to miss. The bulk of them will be somewhat less (OK, a lot less) vivid. But, all of them will be in locations where you will be able to pick up an issue of Flint: Our Community, Our Voice along with copies of other community publications like East Village Magazine, the Courier and neighborhood flyers.
We just need to know where you’d like to see one.
They should be in a place where there is a fair amount of pedestrian traffic and interest in the city and the community. Spots where the greatest amount of copies can be distributed. A community center, a pavilion in a well used park… So, what do you think?
Suggest a location for a news box by writing to Put “News Box” in the subject line. Who knows? We may choose your favorite spot!
These boxes were designed by Pauly Everett and Zach Curtis. Our thanks to them!
Also see our new website at