The Power of “Positude”

April showers bring spring flowers.

Gratitude that the worst of winter is over and done.

Thankfultude that the promise of Spring is being displayed in a riot of colors and smells.

The days are longer, but so is our “to do” list.

Our future is filled with Hopetude, we have proof that Positude works.

The quality  of life is greatly influenced by attitude.

Happiness is not a person, place or possession, happiness is a choice.

I have an Appreciatude for people that practice Positude.

I feel sorry for people that are negative. There is positive and negative energy in our reality. Our attitudes are easily altered by how we think, feel and speak.

So remember to embrace Positude vigorously and avoid Negatude seriously!

Be well my beloved friends.

Always Agape,


Sylvia PittmanElder Sylvia Pittman holds a B.M. Degree (education) from Northern Michigan University: A M.M. Degree (performance) from the University of Michigan. Sylvia has over 18 years experience teaching private voice, public schools and directing choirs. She performs vocal styles from jazz to opera, works as a vocal coach for recording artists and is greatly sought as a studio musician. Sylvia is Music Director at Asbury Church, Davison Road, Flint.

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