Mayor Neeley Provides Latest Information on the Hogarth Explosion

by | Jan 1, 2022 | City of Flint, January 2022

The City of Flint continues to work with local community organizations, faith-based facilities, businesses, and surrounding public safety municipalities to help with family resources and recovery efforts related to the November 22 explosion on Hogarth.


  • The impacted area is still under investigation at this time. The Michigan State arson division is working with insurance companies to secure the blast zone to determine a cause for the explosion.
  • The City of Flint Building and Safety Department (BSI) placed door knockers at 56 homes (39 with visible exterior damage) with a request to call BSI back to schedule an inspection.
  • BSI has completed over 10 interior inspections at homes on Hogarth and Larchmont. A total of five homes are in need of repair and inspection before occupancy, and five homes have been condemned. Building and Safety staff will continue to respond to requests for inspection as needed.
  • BSI continues to work with Consumers Energy to assess the utilities at damaged homes.
  • The Public Health office distributed $250 Meijer gift cards to families most immediately affected by the explosion and continues to work with the families to determine levels of need.
  • Public Health Navigators have reached out to 29 families regarding housing accommodations: 12 families are back in their homes; 6 staying with relatives or friends; 5 staying in a hotel; and waiting on an update from 6 families.
  • Any community member wanting to make essential items donations, can contact any of the following:

 Catholic Charities at (810) 232-9950. Catholic Charities is helping families with finding housing.

Hand of God Ministries at (810) 766-9278. Hand of God Ministries is also looking for volunteers to service those in need.

November 22 Flint Home Explosion Fund (as of 12/15/21)

Monetary donations continue to pour into the fund set up by United Way. To date, the fund has received over $56,000 from over 300 donors. The City of Flint will work with the families to assess needs for fund allocation.

Total Donations: $56,577.91

Mott Foundation donation for home repairs: $25,000

Meijer Gift Card to families: $6,750

Remaining undesignated funds: $24,827.91

  • The Hogarth Avenue explosion area is still secured with barricades and 24/7 security provided by Michigan Security. Any unauthorized persons or groups will be asked to vacate the area as it is unsafe and still being assessed.
  • Genesee Health Systems 24/7/365 Virtual Urgent Care and Crisis Lines are available for any resident. Residents can call 810-496-5500 for the Behavioral Health Urgent Care and 810-257-3740 for Crisis calls.

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