Flint’s New Zoning Ordinance Passed

On July 25th, the Flint City Council passed the brand new zoning code based on the Imagine Flint Master Plan.

For the first time in 48 years, Flint has a new zoning ordinance.

It took nearly a decade from the first meetings of residents and neighbors in 2013, writing Flint’s Land Use Plan, to get to this day and it is a monumental one.

The new zoning code makes it easier for residents to develop their own properties, removes major hurdles to investment in Flint, and, most importantly, it reflects the will and vision of thousands of Flint residents who put time in over these 9 years crafting what the future of land use in our city would look like.

The new code also encourages and offers incentives to development that is walkable, friendly to pedestrians, cyclists, and those riding public transit alike, and it ensures that investment is encouraged across Flint’s neighborhoods.

This would not have been possible without the passionate advocacy of residents from across Flint, including Flint Residents for Stronger Neighborhoods.

This group has been working since November of 2021 to get this over the finish line, and these neighbors will continue to advocate for equitable, inclusive land use policies.

There will be more to say and more leaders to thank in coming months regarding this major victory, but Flint is now home to some of the most innovative and forward thinking land use laws in America!

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