Greens 101

From Dairy Hollow House, Soup and Bread

You can’t have a ‘green,’ the word is always plural, ‘greens.’

A “mess of greens” usually means you have enough!

But usually that is about 1½ pounds.

Chard, turnip greens, kale, collard greens, all have a distinct flavor but in most recipes you can swap out, or mix and match, any of them.

Stir fry or cook for hours or add to soup or a salad.

Always great conversations on how a person likes them best and what Grandma and Aunt Nellie always said or did!

Greens must always be washed well.

Separate into individual leaves and check for visible dirt. Rinse quickly under running water, stacking leaves in a colander and rinse the whole batch a couple more times.

If still ‘gritty,’ fill a large bowl with lukewarm water & swish them, then place in colander and change the water. Continue until there is no more grit.

Work quickly, but don’t soak as they will lose vitamins, flavor & crispness.

Finally, rinse in cold water and then pat dry one by one.

(Grandma always put them in a clean pillowcase and sent us outdoors to spin.)

And remember: Eat Your Greens!





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