Jim Ananich takes on New Role

The Greater Flint Health Coalition is getting a new Chief Executive Officer.

Senator Jim Ananich (D), who currently serves as the board chair, was selected by a unanimous vote by the board. His term as CEO will begin after his final term as senator in January 2023.

Since Ananich has termed out in his role as senator, Former State Rep. John Cherry will replace him as senator.

Ananich will replace interim CEO Dr. Lawrence Reynolds, who stepped into the role in May of this year after Kirk Smith, who had been CEO of the agency for 17 years, left the role to accept a new position.

“I’m grateful to have found a new way to continue serving this community of resilient, good-hearted people,” said Ananich. “GFHC is a powerful force for good, and I’ve seen firsthand how its work has improved the health and lives of my neighbors. Together, we are going to continue the organization’s longstanding tradition of knocking down barriers and bringing resources directly to people who need them.”

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