The Power of “Positude”

A new year, the promise of things to come.

The holidays are over, I am grateful for health, strength, and life.

I have a Thankfultude because I know I am blessed. Winter days are short, and nights are long. I keep reminding myself of the power of Positude.

Life is difficult, it is easy to become discouraged and to feel helpless or hopeless. The sun shines after the rain and rainbows make us smile.

A little Lovetude goes a long way towards living our best life.

The winter has been mild so far, my heart is overflowing with Gratitude.

Winter is not my favorite time of year, ice and snow are dangerous, cabin fever is real.

I need a new pair of boots.

I will go shopping soon.

May you be safe and warm this winter!

Be well my beloved friends.

Always Agape,

Sylvia PittmanElder Sylvia Pittman holds a B.M. Degree (education) from Northern Michigan University: A M.M. Degree (performance) from the University of Michigan. Sylvia has over 18 years experience teaching private voice, public schools and directing choirs. She performs vocal styles from jazz to opera, works as a vocal coach for recording artists and is greatly sought as a studio musician. Sylvia is Music Director at Asbury Church, Davison Road, Flint.

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