Q. Kia, I am struggling with feeling of guilt and sometimes depression because of things I’ve done in the past. I asked God to forgive me, but I still feel bad about them. How can I keep from worrying so much about my past mistakes?
A. Know and believe that God’s love for you will never change nor die. You can trust His every promise. He has promised that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us; and He remembers our sins no more. Now, what you must do is forgive yourself. God sees and knows all our weaknesses, and He loves us, nonetheless. He is always with us; no matter what we do or where we go. Also know that the devil hates you and wants you to carry guilt, anxiety, and depression over your past mistakes. You must choose not to listen nor respond to his evil attacks and stay focused on the Love of God instead. May God keep you in His loving care.
Q. Why is it Kia, that so many people hate and sometimes do harm to people they don’t even know? Why can’t we all just love and respect others and treat everyone like we want to be treated?
A. The answer to your question goes far deeper than we have space here to fully answer. But the most simple and truthful answer is that there are people who follow the ways of the enemy and not of God. Hatred and violence are learned behaviors that are in direct contrast to what we are commanded to do by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He tells us to love one another and be kind to everyone. He is Love, He is Peace, He is Light; and if we imitate His ways all hatred, violence, and darkness would be gone. In the meantime, we must continue to pray for God’s Will to be done; and patiently wait for His perfect Will and timing to unfold.
Q. I am getting ready to apply for a job that I really want. My girlfriend keeps telling me that I probably won’t get it. I’m beginning to feel she’s right and thinking about not going for it. What do you think I should do?
A. I suggest you refuse to listen to or accept negative or discouraging feedback from your girlfriend. Trust that your chances of getting the job are in your favor and apply for it with confidence and assurance that God is with you and will provide everything you need. Also know that if you don’t get that job, you will more than likely get one that is even more to your liking. Never give up; God is good all the time.
Do YOU have a question for Kia? She’d be happy to accept questions. They can be emailed to lailai1044@comcast.net with the subject line ASK KIA.