The Power of “Positude”

July, Summer is in full swing!

I have a Thankfultude and a Gratefultude.

I just finished physical therapy for my hips, I feel much better.

The heat was overwhelming and I like it hot.

I lost my appetite and I didn’t feel well. It cooled off and that was good.

There are so many things wrong in our world, so much to complain about.

Positude requires us to celebrate life’s ups and downs, highs and lows.

An attitude of gratitude can help us to find the silver lining in the black clouds of life.

I’m grateful that things are not so bad that they can’t improve.

I’m thankful that we are not helpless or hopeless, we are overcomers.

We go from tragedy to triumph, a positive attitude can make the difference between being a victim and being victorious.

May Positude take you from breakdown to breakthrough!

Always Agape,

Sylvia PittmanElder Sylvia Pittman holds a B.M. Degree (education) from Northern Michigan University: A M.M. Degree (performance) from the University of Michigan. Sylvia has over 18 years experience teaching private voice, public schools and directing choirs. She performs vocal styles from jazz to opera, works as a vocal coach for recording artists and is greatly sought as a studio musician. Sylvia is Music Director at Asbury Church, Davison Road, Flint.

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