Mark L. Miller Appointed Interim President and CEO of Community Foundation

Mark L. Miller Appointed Interim President and CEO of Community FoundationThe Community Foundation’s Board of Trustees has appointed Mark L. Miller as Interim President and CEO. After a brief transitional period which began on July 1, Mr. Miller assumed full responsibility for all operational activities effective July 28.

Mr. Miller, who is also Vice Chairman of the board, will lead the foundation through its leadership change following the resignation of Isaiah M. Oliver. (Read Isaiah’s Farewell Letter).
Mr. Miller is a retired General Motors Global Executive. His knowledge of the foundation is also very extensive, having served on the Board of Trustees, and the Investment Committee, for nine years, and then reappointed in 2023. He and his wife, Rebecca, are members of the foundation’s Legacy Society.
“During this time of transition, I bring servant leadership to the board and staff,” Miller said. “I look forward to connecting with the foundation’s donors and grantees, and being a part of the search committee as the board identifies the foundation’s new leader over the next several months.”

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