REAL BODIES Now at Sloan World Renowned Exhibit Arrives in Flint

REAL BODIES is a thought provoking exhibition of human anatomy, making use of the display of actual, perfectly preserved human bodies in multiple themed galleries along with 200 anatomical specimens. REAL BODIES invites visitors to explore the entire human experience from first breath to last.

Admittedly, the exhibition pushes boundaries while blending art, science and emotion as you look at yourself in a completely different way.

While the subject matter is sensitive and may not be to everyone’s taste, it isn’t as macabre as you may think. While the museum recommends a minimum age of 12, I saw children as young as 5 when I went through and they were absolutely fascinated by the exhibit.

It is a moving and fascinating experience.

REAL BODIES is open to the public until January 14, 2024 from 10:15am-5:00pm, Tuesday through Saturday. 12:15-5:00pm on Sunday and late evening hours on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 10:15am-8:00pm.

Tickets will be sold at :15 and :45 minute increments for timed entry for a more personal experience.

Tickets and information available at Group reservations of 20 or more may be made at or call (810) 237-3409

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