Council Member Refuses to Attend Meetings Because of Threats

Council Member Ladel Lewis, 2nd Ward refused to attend meetings after receiving threats of violence and is calling for City Hall to become a gun-free zone.

Lewis made the comment in response to questions at a news conference on Friday, Oct. 20, saying she does not feel safe attending council meetings because of amped-up political bullying and recent threats towards her.

“First, we need to make it a bully-free zone and after that, absolutely we need to make it gun-free,” Lewis said. “I understand people say that they have the right to carry, but we also have the right to do our job.”

Lewis, the council vice president, has complained previously about the fallout from dysfunction on the deeply divided council, but said she received a specific threat this week that has been reported to police and that she called “the final straw.”

In a Facebook message, Lewis was told in part, “don’t show your face this week because I know where you stay at.” The message also said, “I hope someday you will get rape(d) and I hope you f—ing die.”

“As of right now, I can’t say yes,” that she would be at a meeting scheduled for Monday, Oct. 23, Lewis said.

“I don’t feel safe at the moment,” she added.

Throughout this year, council members have routinely argued among themselves, exchanged insults and barbs, and struggled to carry out city business at meetings due to disagreements with each other.

Audience members have sometimes joined in the debate during meetings, prompting Lewis and others to issue warnings that they are being disorderly.

Mayor Sheldon Neeley said Friday that a misdemeanor warrant has been issued against one man who allegedly assaulted another audience member earlier this month.

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