The MADE Institute Empowers Workforce with CIV: LAB Grant

by | Dec 1, 2023 | December 2023, Grants

Earlier this year, The MADE Institute proudly secured $74,000 in funding from CIV:LAB to support our groundbreaking “Industry Upskilling Program.” This initiative focuses on equipping members of the workforce with certification in energy efficiency and clean energy, empowering them to present sustainable solutions to homeowners.

CIV:LAB, at the forefront of redefining philanthropy, is shaping community participation to achieve national climate goals through place-based grant-making. MADE Institute stands as one of the nine projects in Michigan fortunate to receive support from CIV:LAB, which has also funded impactful projects in New York City and plans to expand its reach across the United States through 2024.

Our “Industry Upskilling Program” currently has its second cohort enrolled, with participants undergoing eight weeks of intensive training, totaling 32 working days. The program, culminating in the Building Performance Institute’s Building Analyst certification, targets individuals aged 18 and above with experience in residential energy efficiency, construction, HVAC, or home inspection. The program curriculum has been implemented by Walker-Miller Energy Services.

The results thus far have been remarkable. Out of the 30 individuals enrolled in the program, 15 have successfully completed it and secured employment opportunities. These placements extend across various agencies, including jobs with Consumers Energy of Michigan.

As we approach the conclusion of our final cohort, we are excited to witness the positive impact our program has had on the lives of participants and the broader community. Within the next three weeks, the last 15 participants will complete the program, further contributing to the success and growth of the Industry Upskilling Program.

This CIV:LAB grant has not only transformed lives but has positioned MADE Institute as a leader in workforce development for energy efficiency and clean energy. We are grateful for the support and look forward to continuing our mission of empowering individuals and communities through education and sustainable practices.

The MADE Institute Empowers Workforce with CIV: LAB Grant

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