Secure Your Health: LTCC to Host Medicaid Renewal Event on Jan. 24

The Latinx Technology and Community Center is proud to announce a crucial event aimed at ensuring access to essential healthcare. On January 24, from 12:30 to 5:30, we will be hosting a Medicaid Renewal Event at our center.

This event is specifically designed to assist community members in renewing their Medicaid coverage, a critical aspect of maintaining comprehensive healthcare. Our dedicated team will be on hand to guide individuals through the renewal process, answer questions, and provide support to ensure that everyone can easily navigate the necessary steps to keep their Medicaid coverage up to date.

Healthcare is a fundamental right, and we believe that everyone should have access to the services they need. By hosting this Medicaid Renewal Event, we aim to remove barriers and make the renewal process as smooth as possible for our community members.

Join us on January 24 and take the proactive step of securing your health. The Latinx Technology and Community Center is here to support you in navigating the Medicaid renewal process, ensuring that you continue to have access to the healthcare services you deserve. For more information, feel free to contact us at (810) 715-5050 or email

Don’t miss this opportunity to prioritize your health and well-being. See you at the Medicaid Renewal Event!

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