Ask Kia (For Sound Solutions)

by | Mar 1, 2024 | March 2024, Positive Messages

Q. Kia, I was raised by Christian parents who required us to attend church every Sunday with very few exceptions. I believe in God and don’t feel comfortable questioning Him. But I have to admit that I just don’t understand why He allows such bad things to happen when He has the power to control all things. What is your understanding of that?

A. Please know that you are not alone in your thoughts and feelings in this matter. But also know that it is far more important that you believe that God is good all of the time, no matter what happens in this world, and that He is perfect in all His ways. He made us in His own image, but not with His full Power, Wisdom, and Majesty. He is Totally Divine, whereas we are human beings who are totally dependent on He who created us. Know that our God’s ways are not our ways, and His timing is not our timing; but that His ways and timing are always best. I encourage you to also know and believe that God understands your frustration and does not condemn you. His love for us transcends all our thoughts and weaknesses, which is why He sent Jesus to save us. Finally, I encourage you to pray, asking God to fill you with the Fruit of Patience that you can wait for His Will to unfold, and knowing that in His perfect timing, His Holy Will shall be done.

Q. Why is it, Kia, that some people seem to get away with murder, while others are punished, sometimes severely, for the smallest offenses? And it is also true that the same crime can be committed by two different people, but the punishment varies significantly? This angers me, which is why I refuse to stand for the national anthem or repeat the Pledge of Allegiance. What can I do to make a difference in this dilemma?

A. You can know and trust that although there are clear injustices in this world, God sees and knows all things, and He has no respect of persons. He assures us that vengeance belongs to Him, and that true justice shall prevail. So, I suggest you not worry about those things over which you have no control, but rather, pray for God’s Will to be done.

Do YOU have a question for Kia? She’d be happy to accept questions. They can be emailed to with the subject line ASK KIA.

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