Chavez Huerta Luncheon

Join us for the Chavez Huerta Celebration Luncheon on March 23rd, 2024 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church off Coldwater Rd. from 1-3 PM. This annual event stands as a testament to our commitment to community leadership, academic advancement, and the enduring legacy of César Chavez and Dolores Huerta’s contributions to the national labor rights movement.

The United Farm Workers activism, spearheaded by Chavez and Huerta, addressed the crucial need for dignity and labor rights, marking them as extraordinary leaders in human rights for positive economic and social change. In 1987 Chavez visited Flint, MI, to support the strikes and protest for the rights of Union Auto Workers. Shortly after, the city council voted 6-2 to rename a portion of Lewis St after the great leader. In 1988 when he returned to Flint to find the street named after him, he announced that we were the first city to do so in his honor (1).

From 1953 to the late 80s he was a champion for activism and a fighter for workers’ rights. In his early years he opened multiple chapters of the Community Service Organization (CSO) helping Mexican-Americans gain fair employment. After that he founded the National Farm Workers Association offering life insurance and later a credit union for members. As the NFWA grew they started organizing strikes; the first being the Delano Grape Strike where they protested for higher wages. During the strike the United Auto Workers President Reuther noticed Chavez’ strikes and offered support including $5,000.00 monthly donations.

Over the years he gained a lot of supporters from local Catholic churches, Teamsters Union, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and even presidential candidate Robert Kennedy (D). Chavez urged his supporters to back Kennedy’s presidential run, and later attended Kennedy’s funeral as a pallbearer. The SCO, the NFWA, and the UFW (United Farm Workers) spearheaded by Chavez fought and protested for employment opportunities, workers rights, fair pay, and Union Rights across the nation.

Mexican-Americans and other supporters of Chavez gather every year around March 30th, Chavez’s birthday, to celebrate the accomplishments of Chavez and Huerta. Many union workers from auto to agriculture are thankful of Chavez, Huerta, and the early union members for paving the way for the next generation of workers. The LatinX Center encourages the community to help us celebrate Chavez Huerta’s accomplishments on March 23rd, 2024 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Flint off Coldwater Rd. from 1-3 PM.

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