Community Foundation of Greater Flint Announces New President and CEO

Community Foundation of Greater Flint Announces New 
President and CEOThe Community Foundation of Greater Flint (CFGF) is thrilled to announce the selection of soon to be retired U.S. Representative Dan Kildee as the next President and CEO. Following an extensive search process, Kildee was selected given his proven record in significant leadership roles in government and non-profit sectors. Kildee brings passion for community development and a commitment to driving positive change. Notably, Kildee played a pivotal role in founding the Genesee County Land Bank and served as its Chairperson and CEO from 2002 to 2009.

Kildee, retiring U.S. Representative and President and CEO of the Center for Community Progress, holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Central Michigan University and was a Fannie Mae Foundation Fellow at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government in 2005.

“We are thrilled to welcome Dan Kildee as the new President and CEO of the Community Foundation of Greater Flint,” said Mark Piper. “His wealth of experience and demonstrated commitment to community betterment align perfectly with the foundation’s goals. We believe that Dan will play a pivotal role in advancing our mission and contributing to the continued growth and prosperity of Greater Flint.”
Kildee stated, “I am excited to join the CFGF team, to add my skills and experience to the incredibly talented team of professionals who have grown the Foundation into the highly effective and respected agent of change it has become. I am grateful to the Trustees of the Foundation for the faith and the responsibility they have placed on me.

I look forward to the work before us. responsibility they have placed on me. I look forward to the work before us.

I am particularly grateful for the strong and steady leadership Mark Miller has demonstrated as the Interim President and look forward to working with him in the transition ahead.”

Miller also added, “I extend my deepest gratitude to our remarkable staff for their unwavering commitment and dedication during this transition. As Interim President and CEO, it’s been my pleasure to lean into this work and contribute to the foundation’s maintenance and sustainability. I welcome Dan to lead this organization into an even brighter future.” 

The Community Foundation of Greater Flint and its Board of Trustees would like to express its gratitude to the search committee, led by Board Chair Mark Piper, for their diligent efforts throughout the selection process. The Foundation also extends its deepest appreciation to Mark Miller, who has provided steadfast leadership during the transition period. Miller’s seasoned leadership and professional approach has immensely enabled continuous improvement in several areas of the organization. His attention to process compliance and cultural dynamics has served well towards effective maintenance and stability of the organization.
The Community Foundation of Greater Flint is a beacon of positive change in Genesee County, envisioning a vibrant and equitable community where everyone can thrive. CFGF, founded in 1988, manages over $300 million in assets across 475 charitable funds, investing over $10 million annually in grants. With a steadfast commitment to equity, CFGF serves all of Genesee County, reinforcing local philanthropy and collaborating with professional advisors to create effective charitable giving approaches. CFGF, deeply rooted in the community, offers personalized service, accepting various assets and providing maximum tax advantages. The foundation’s dedication to building lasting legacies, fostering community growth, and ensuring organizational stability echoes its core message:

For Good. For Ever. For Everyone.

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