Council Corner With Dr. Ladel Lewis

There is never a dull moment in Flint politics.

Whether it’s a heated meeting or fruitless recalls, there is always something going on. But, luckily for the City of Flint, your City Council is consistently working hard in the best interest of their respective wards.

As President of this elected body, I am proud to report that we have passed several resolutions for the betterment of our city:

  1. We are tackling the housing shortage by allocating community Block Grant dollars towards redeveloping Orchard Manor apartments in the 6th Ward.
  2. We allocated over a half million dollars in Community ARPA funding to fight blight in almost every ward.
  3. Council Committed $650,000 to The Salvation Army to establish a 50-bed medical respite program at Hurley’s Dutcher Center. Medical Respite is a short-term specialized program focused on individuals who are homeless, imminently homeless, and/or lack a stable recovery environment needing recuperative services.
  4. We set aside an additional million dollars for home repair grants for Senior Citizens and Disabled Residents.
  5. We confirmed funding for new playground equipment.
  6. We approved the erection of a state-of-the-art Police & Fire Training Facility on the Northside.

Last but not least, we would like to welcome Tracy Fountain to the Flint Housing Commission, Carol-Anne Blower and Mona Munroe Younis to the Flint Planning Commission, and Jerry David Kea & Jon Kingen to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Please reach out to your respective councilperson if you have any questions.

Dr. Ladel Lewis
Flint City Council President
2nd Ward

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