FIA Welcomes Visiting Glass Artist James Labold

FIA Welcomes Visiting Glass Artist James LaboldThe Flint Institute of Arts Museum + Art School is pleased to welcome accomplished glass sculptor James Labold. Mr Labold will host Mixed Media Glass Sculpture workshops from Tuesday, March 5th through Friday, March 8th in the FIA Hot Shop. He will also showcase  FREE public glass-blowing demonstrations Saturday, March 9th, and Sunday, March 10th.

The 4-day workshop will explore the Hot Blow Mold and Lost Wax processes. Students will split time between sculpting, mold-making, and the hot glass studio. Demonstrations and lectures will cover basic rubber mold-making and simple ways of finishing the blown glass forms, through cold working and a variety of mixed media surface techniques.

While familiarity and basic understanding of the hot shop is necessary, any student with the knowledge of how to make a bubble and take a few gathers can blow a hot mold!

Interested students do not need any prior experience with mold-making. This workshop is appropriate for students of a variety of skill levels, from beginner to advanced.

The course will take place Tuesday, March 5th through Friday, March 8th from 10a until 8p each day, which includes two 1-hour meal breaks. The registration cost is $500 and seating is limited. Interested students are encouraged to enroll now.

Those who can’t attend the workshop are welcome to view James Labold at work with the FIA Hot Shop crew on Saturday 3/9 at 2p, and again on Sunday 3/10 at 3p for glass-blowing demos in the Hot Shop. These events are free and open to the public.

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