Gov. Whitmer: Working Families Tax Credit Checks Mailed

An average $550 will be mailed to 700,000 Michigan households, with these larger refunds continuing in the years ahead.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced that eligible Michigan families began receiving Working Families Tax Credit supplemental checks in February as a part of $1 billion in tax cuts. The checks will put an average of $550 into Michiganders’ pockets in more than 700,000 Michigan households.

“Last year, the majority in the Michigan Legislature and I quintupled the Working Families Tax Credit, which will put hundreds more dollars back in the pockets of 700,000 working families,” said Governor Whitmer. “These checks that are starting to be mailed out this week will lift tens of thousands of people out of working poverty and directly benefit half the children in Michigan by helping their moms and dads pay the bills, put food on the table, and buy school supplies. We got your back in Michigan as you work hard and support your family. Together, let’s build a brighter future and a stronger economy.”

Michigan’s Working Families Tax Credit is based on the federal Earned Income Tax Credit.

To qualify, individuals must meet certain requirements ( and file a federal income tax return, even if no tax is owed or there is no requirement to file a return. If a federal credit is granted, the state of Michigan will provide an additional 30% credit when the taxpayer files their state income tax return.

For the 2022 tax year, eligible taxpayers were provided a 6% Michigan Working Families Tax Credit when they filed their state individual income tax returns. A state law that becomes effective February 13 means those taxpayers will receive a supplemental check for the remaining 24% portion of their 2022 tax year Working Families Tax Credit.

On Tuesday, February 13, the Michigan Department of Treasury will begin issuing these checks to eligible taxpayers through the U.S. Postal Service. The checks will be sent over a 5-to-6-week period.

The supplemental checks will be issued to the most recent address on file with Treasury. Treasury routinely updates taxpayer address records based on current tax filings.

The Michigan Working Families Tax Credit for the 2023 tax year will be applied at the full 30% rate when taxpayers file their state tax returns this tax season.

“Michigan’s Working Families Tax Credit at the 30% rate applies to the 2022 tax year and beyond,” said State Treasurer Rachael Eubanks. “I encourage those who are eligible for this tax credit to explore filing electronically or connecting with a reputable tax preparer when filing a return this year. Thousands of dollars could be left on the table if these credits are not claimed.”

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