Ask Kia (For Sound Solutions)

by | Apr 1, 2024 | April 2024, Positive Messages

Q. I’m finding myself being more and more discouraged with depressed moods the more I follow the national news. But, at the same time, I feel the need to watch it daily so that I’m aware of what is going on in our country and the World. Kia, how can I do both and not experience these mixed feelings that border on depression?

A. I encourage you to consider fasting from the news for a period of one full week; then take an open and honest inventory of whether those feelings of discouragement and depressed thoughts have decreased. I also encourage you to pray the Serenity Prayer daily to strengthen you during your fasting which says: “God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Q. What can I do to help a friend who doesn’t see the need to take responsibility for her personal well-being? She sees absolutely nothing wrong with borrowing everything she needs; and with no means, concerns, nor intentions of repaying any loans. Her response to any reference to repaying is always, ‘Oh you can afford it.’ How can I motivate her to seek employment and take responsibility for her own needs?

A. Know that it is impossible for you to help anyone who either does not recognize, nor admit, the problem. You can, however, refrain from contributing to the problem by refusing to be an enabler to her. I suggest you establish a ‘no borrowing policy’ with your friend and encourage her to seek employment for the purpose of self-preservation.

Q. Kia, I am approaching my 90th birthday and am still driving with no thoughts of stopping except when family and friends keep suggesting that I do. How can I convince them all that I’m okay and still able to drive safely despite my age?

A. You did not indicate whether you’ve experienced one or more incidents wherein your safety or the safety of others has been compromised. I suggest you take an open and honest inventory of your driving history and consider whether your family and friends’ concerns are warranted. Then, based on the truth of your inventory, you can determine whether you should continue to drive.

Do YOU have a question for Kia? She’d be happy to accept questions. They can be emailed to with the subject line ASK KIA.

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