Council Corner With Dr. Ladel Lewis

It’s a beautiful day in the City of Flint!

Exciting developments are underway in our community and I’m thrilled to share the latest updates with you.

The energy and engagement within our city are truly inspiring.

Here’s what you need to know:

Pets/Animals – Leash Laws and Responsible Ownership:

There has been an increased number of complaints about dogs roaming the streets. While some are strays, most belong to residents. Please adhere to leash laws, as unattended pets roaming freely can be a nuisance and pose safety risks. Clean up after your pets to prevent attracting rodents. If you encounter a neighboring dog unattended on your property and feel threatened, please call the non-emergency number for the county at 810-257-3422.

Volunteer Opportunities:

In the spirit of community engagement, there are opportunities to make a positive impact:

Join us for the Annual Ring the Alarm event by the American Red Cross in April.

Community Information: Stay Informed

Stay informed about property matters and community initiatives with increased communications from the Genesee County Landbank.

Check out the interview featuring Alexandra from The Lank Bank on the Community Conversations YouTube page.

Let’s continue to build a vibrant and connected community. Your involvement makes a difference.

Together, we can achieve great things!

Have a beautiful day to all the wonderful residents in the City of Flint!

Please reach out to your respective councilperson if you have any questions of concern in the city or in your respective Wards.

Dr. Ladel Lewis
Flint City Council President
2nd Ward

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This newspaper is the voice of our neighborhoods. We will share the views of our neighbors, groups and leaders for your evaluation and edification. We welcome articles from any community member. We also reserve the right to refuse articles. While we welcome your contributions, we ask that they be constructive. All articles should contribute positively to the welfare of our community and its residents. We will accept a thoughtful discussion of all related issues and reserve the right to reply to those that seem to reflect a misunderstanding of our views of Our Community. We look forward to hearing from you.

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