Councilman Eric Mays Laid to Rest

Family, friends and fans of the late Eric Mays said their final farewells to the longtime city councilman during a funeral service on Saturday, March 23.

Polarizing and strong-willed, Mays served 10 years on the council, often ruffling feathers while representing some of Flint’s poorest people.

He died at age 65 on Feb. 24 in his Russell Avenue home.

Mays was buried at Sunset Hills Cemetery in Flint Township following Saturday’s service. Family members left a wreath at Flint City Hall to honor his memory.

The son of a pastor, Mays was one of nine children of the late Rev. Louis H. and Rosie B. Mays.

He graduated from Flint Northern High School and Michigan State University and retired from General Motors, serving as a district committeeman and recording secretary for local unions of the United Auto Workers.

First elected by just a seven-vote margin in 2013, he was the longest-serving member of the current council and organized committees to run for mayor in 2008, 2015 and 2022.

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