ESL & SSL Classes 2024 Spring Season at LatinX Technology & Community Center


We are pleased to invite you to the spring 2024 ESL (English as a second language) and SSL (Spanish as a second language) courses, which will begin on April 15, 2024.

After our pleasant experience, evaluations and service with the winter 2024 courses where around 45 participants presented themselves in both courses, we welcome you to this new spring 2024 season.

The courses last 6 weeks, where 2 classes a week are provided for a total of 12 classes.

We know the needs, the importance of learning, providing useful and accessible courses for the community. This is why we provide materials, photocopies, presentations, oral practice in classes to make this learning experience a unique and enriching one.

It doesn’t matter the reason that motivates you to take the course, from learning to be able to communicate in another language with your family, for professional development, pleasure or a trip.

We focus on providing a dynamic, active, entertaining environment with experienced teachers in the subject in order to enhance your experience while working on topics such as spelling, grammar and pronunciation.

We count on your participation to complete and/or confirm your registration for the ESL and SSL courses. Please contact us via email at or call 810-715-5050 for more details.

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