FAFSA Essential for Student Aid: A Letter from Gov. Whitmer

It’s time for students to submit their FAFSA!

Whether you’re a high school senior or a returning college student, completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is crucial to unlocking grants, scholarships, and other forms of assistance that can make your educational journey more affordable.

This includes the Michigan Achievement Scholarship, a bipartisan scholarship we established recently to lower the cost of community, private, or public college by thousands of dollars a year—up to $27,500 over 5 years.

Right now, a majority of graduating seniors are eligible to receive thousands of dollars per year from the State of Michigan to lower the cost of their college tuition. You are probably eligible for more financial aid than you realize, and I encourage you to fill out your FAFSA ASAP!

The deadline to fill out your FAFSA is June 30, 2024.

Filling out your FAFSA is free and takes most students less than an hour. To get started, go to www.fafsa.gov.

Check out the info below on opportunities to make higher education more affordable.

Let’s get it done!

New Opportunities for Michigan Students in This Year’s FAFSA

Since last year, a new version of FAFSA rolled out by the Biden administration expanded eligibility for financial aid for low- and middle-income students, cut the number of questions on the FAFSA form, and made it easier to import financial information.

These updates open up more scholarships and grant opportunities for Michigan students and make it easier for our students to apply. I am happy to say that, in Michigan, nearly 20,000 more students are expected to gain eligibility for a Pell Grant and over 38,000 more students are expected to receive the maximum grant reward.

Michigan Achievement Scholarship

To help lower the cost of college by thousands and get the state closer to achieving its Sixty by 30 goal, I created the Michigan Achievement Scholarship, which is available to eligible high school graduates starting with the class of 2023.

This scholarship builds on my work to lower the cost of college through scholarships like Michigan Reconnect, Futures for Frontliners, and MI Future Educator Fellowship. These investments get Michigan closer to reaching the state’s Sixty by 30 goal of having 60% of adults possess a skill certificate or college degree by 2030.

With the Michigan Achievement Scholarship, students may be awarded up to:

  • $2,750 if they attend a Michigan community college, every year, up to three years.
  • $4,000 if they attend a Michigan private college or university, every year, up to five years.
  • $5,500 if they attend a Michigan public university or are enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program at a Michigan community college, every year, up to five years

Additional information about the Michigan Achievement Scholarship is available at www.michigan.gov/achievement. Visit MI Student Aid’s website at www.michigan.gov/mistudentaid.

To learn more about State of Michigan scholarships and grant programs, visit MI Student Aid’s website at www.michigan.gov/mistudentaid

The Michigan Guarantee

I’m also currently working to deliver what I’m calling the “Michigan Guarantee.” It’s a simple promise with huge implications: Every child in Michigan deserves a free public education from pre-K through community college.

By making the first 2 years of community college tuition-free for every high school graduate, we will save students over $4,000 a year and give them a path to a better-paying, high-skill job in a career they love.

Together, we will help anyone “Make it in Michigan.”

A Letter from Governor Whitmer

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