Updates from Genesee County, Michigan

The 30-day public comment period for the Genesee County 2024 Community Development Action Plan will be held  March 18 – April 19, 2024. During this time, copies of the Genesee County 2024 Action Plan will be made available for review at the following locations:

  • Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission, Room 111,1101 Beach Street, Flint, MI 48502. (Hours 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday) www.gcmpc.org
  • All Genesee County municipal offices

The 2024 Action Plan contains information on Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) activities, HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) activities, and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) activities for Program Year 2024 (May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025). All proposed amounts below are based on funding received in Program Year 2023. Funding amounts will be adjusted once 2024 allocations are determined by HUD.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, entitles Genesee County, as an urban county, to plan and carry out a Community Development Program throughout Genesee County, outside the City of Flint.  The primary objectives of the Genesee County Community Development Program are to:

  1. Develop and maintain viable urban communities;
  2. Provide decent and affordable housing; and
  3. Provide a suitable living environment for the residents of Genesee County, principally for persons of low and moderate income.

Pursuant to these objectives, Genesee County, in cooperation with participating local units of government, proposes to utilize $1,770,505 in CDBG Entitlement funds for the 2024 Program Year.

Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)

The HOME Investment Partnerships Program encourages states and local Participating Jurisdictions (PJ), in collaboration with private organizations, to undertake activities and adopt policies aimed at expanding the supply of affordable housing and increasing the number of families who can be served with affordable housing.  Pursuant to these objectives, Genesee County proposes to utilize $932,209 in HOME funds.

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

The ESG Program funding assists people in regaining stability in permanent housing after experiencing homelessness, or for homeless prevention activities.  Genesee County proposes to utilize $159,068 in ESG funding.

Pursuant to provisions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended; the McKinney Act of 1987, and the National Affordable Housing Act (NAHA) of 1990, the Genesee County Board of Commissioners is publishing its 2024 Action Plan prior to Genesee County’s 2024 Community Development Block Grant entitlement Program Year. A Public Hearing will be held on April 4, at 1:00 p.m. at the Genesee County Administration Building, Room 222, 1101 Beach Street, Flint, Michigan.

The public is advised that during or after the month of April 2024, Genesee County will submit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development an Action Plan. Prior to said submission, public comments are welcomed on the Action Plan and on the past performance of Genesee County in carrying out Community Development Block Grant activities, HOME Program activities, and Emergency Solutions Grant activities.

Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission will furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities upon 24 hours’ notice. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services, or persons with limited English proficiency, should contact the Genesee County offices by writing or calling the following:

Mr. Damon Fortney, Lead Planner
Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission
Room 111, 1101 Beach Street, Flint, Michigan 48502
Telephone:  (810) 257-3010
Fax:  (810) 257-3185
Email:  gcmpc@geneseecountymi.gov
Michigan Relay Center:  Dial 711

Comments regarding the Genesee County 2024 Community Development Action Plan must be in writing and will be accepted by the Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission, 1101 Beach Street, Room 111, Flint, Michigan 48502 until 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2024.  Please address all comments to the attention of Damon Fortney, Lead Planner.

Editor’s note:

While the above information refers to Community Development Block Grants for Genesee County, it is important to remember that the City of Flint is within the County and is, as a matter of fact, the County Seat of Genesee County.

What is good for the County is often good for the City of Flint and vice versa.

It is good to keep informed and let your voice be heard when it concerns the place you live.

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