A brand-new year of infinite possibilities. If you want something different you must think and do differently. Time is not waiting for us to get it together; the clock is ticking loudly. So many of us are stuck in situations that are less than ideal.
So, I‘ve been thinking “what can Positude do for me during the months to come?” Attitude is everything. If I celebrate each day with Joytude and Hopetude, I have a Pleasanttude. I am attractive to people and positive circumstances. A person with a Darktude can be gently enlightened. Winter can be cold and dark, but the promise of spring gives us courage.
I’m grateful for Peacetude, Trouble is an equal opportunity event no one is exempt from. It is possible to stare down your problems when you possess your soul in peace. January gives us time to reflect and regroup. We look back over the previous and we look forward to what may be the best year ever. May Positude prove to be a faithful friend!
Be well my beloved friends.
Always Agape,
May the New Year bless you with health, wealth, and happiness
Elder Sylvia Pittman holds a B.M. Degree (education) from Northern Michigan University: A M.M. Degree (performance) from the University of Michigan. Sylvia has over 18 years experience teaching private voice, public schools and directing choirs. She performs vocal styles from jazz to opera, works as a vocal coach for recording artists and is greatly sought as a studio musician. Sylvia is Music Director at Asbury Church, Davison Road, Flint.