An Election Year

League of Women Voters of the Flint Area and a New Service – Information for YOU and from YOU

The League of Women Voters* is non- partisan and committed to information available to all voters and they are concerned that many of us are not voting, thus not shaping our community with our choices on leadership and policies.

This space in the Flint Development Center is well-equipped with information. They have also prepared a survey that will help Flint’s communities really know why folks are voting, or not voting.

My husband and I have joined Leagues wherever we lived as the way to immediately learn about a community’s issues and governmental processes. (Yes, men are full members also and you too can easily become a member.)

Voter Outreach Center

The League of Women Voters of the Flint Area, with grant support from the Ruth Mott Foundation, has opened a Voter Outreach Center in the Flint Development Center, 4121 Martin Luther King Avenue.

The Center’s hours are 1:00-7:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. There will be special events some Saturdays.

There are two main purposes of the grant project.

The first is to determine reasons for low voter turnout in Flint, particularly in our target area of 48504 and 48505 with in the city (target area for many RMF projects).

The second is to develop our voter education to respond to the needs identified by the survey.

Please consider filling out a survey if you live in Flint, particularly if you live in the 48504 or 48505 zip code area.

Your responses are confidential. Please be candid. Your contact will be entered in our weekly gas card drawing, but no personal identifiers will be linked to survey.

Scan or click the QR code below.

League of Women Voters - QR Code

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