Ask Kia (For Sound Solutions)

by | Dec 1, 2022 | December 2022, Positive Messages

Q: Kia, I’m finding myself feeling more and more depressed after watching both the local and national news. I’m having to fight to hold back the tears after hearing of so many hate crimes resulting in death and serious injuries to so many people. But then I feel I need to know what is going on in order to be informed and aware of my surroundings. How can I stay up to date but avoid the emotional pain that comes with it?

A: Yours is a concern for many people today. I understand your need to stay informed, and I’m assuming that you are a constant viewer of the news. I have gotten a wealth of positive feedback with following the advice of fasting from the news periodically. You might begin with limiting your viewing to no more than three times a week, and progressing to only once a week, then absolutely none for a time. You will also find that you will remain informed about those things which are important and necessary for your awareness. You might also try exchanging your news viewing time to spending quiet time with God, i.e., reading and meditating on His Word.

Q: Kia, my best friend is a very negative person. She hardly ever has anything good to say about anything or anybody. I don’t know how to help her. What can I say or do to let her know that her being so negative is affecting our relationship to the point that I don’t like being around her anymore. What can I do to help her?

A: Honesty, kindness and compassion is always a good way to address your concerns with someone you care about. You might want to invite your friend out to lunch with the understanding that you need to talk with her about something that concerns you. And rather than criticize or accuse her; let her know that you love her and that you are noticing what appears to be an increase in negative expressions and/or actions on her part. Offer your help in focusing on the positive things in her life and God’s many blessings.

Q: I’m a twenty-year-old looking forward to graduating from college next year. I have a professor who I’m really attracted to, and it doesn’t matter that he’s old enough to be my father. I want to approach him and let him know how I feel about him, but I’m afraid he might reject me. What should I do?

A: I suggest you pray and ask God to help and strengthen you to keep your focus on maintaining and completing your educational requirements. I further suggest you make a list of your priorities and focus on those things that will benefit you in completing your education and entering the field of your choice. It would not hurt to speak with your Pastor or Spiritual Leader about your concerns as well.

Do YOU have a question for Kia? She’d be happy to accept questions. They can be emailed to with the subject line ASK KIA.

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