Genevieve Donnelly Pavilion at Kearsley Park

Following construction of an open air swimming pool in 1920, the Head House, or Bath House (more commonly known as the Pavilion) was built. It served as a changing area for the Community Swimming pool that was located at the rear of the pavilion where a playscape now sits. The pool was demolished in the 1980s, victim of budget cuts and liability issues.

On August 2, 1928 , 125,000 people gathered in Kearsley Park to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Buick Motor Company and the beginning of the automotive industry in  Flint. The population of Flint at that time was 149,000 people so nearly the ENTIRE city showed up!

Kearsley Park was once THE park in Flint.. Many city events were held there including the annual 4th of July Fireworks and a Christmas Tree Bonfire 12 days after Christmas.

Genevieve Donnelly Pavilion at Kearsley Park

Genevieve Donnelly Pavilion at Kearsley Park

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