Better Block Flint is Coming

Have you heard about Better Block Flint?

Better Block Flint is still seeking vendors to participate in the pop-up event. You can sign up here if you haven’t already:

Numerous volunteer opportunities are available for neighborhood residents, social groups, businesses, clubs, faith-based organizations, etc. Here is the language shared on the website. “The Better Block Foundation and The Crim invite you to help volunteer with the Better Block Flint initiative, a community-led demonstration located at 401 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue (aka Mega Coney Island).”

The transformation will be active on September 22-23 to test community-driven changes to public space and community engagement at a space north of downtown. We invite the community to use this space to its full potential during this time!

We need your help building, painting, unboxing, and putting together the community event. Over these volunteer workshops, we will be exploring placemaking and learning how quality public space can affect a community!

All ages are welcome. Please sign up for as many volunteer spots as you like, and we will see you at the workshops!”

You can sign up here:

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Thank you to our FOCOV Staff of Volunteers!