ESL & SSL Classes 2024 Winter Season at LatinX Technology & Community Center

We are pleased to report the latest updates to the ESL (English as a Second Language) and SSL (Spanish as a Second Language) winter 2024 season. It has been a successful two-month period, with new participants reported for a current enrollment of approximately 30 students. We still have spaces available. Classes began on January 29, 2024, currently these courses are presented on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30pm to 7:00pm.

We know the needs, the importance of learning, providing useful and accessible courses for the community. That is why we provide materials, photocopies, presentations, oral practice in classes to make this learning experience unique and enriching. It doesn’t matter what motivates you to take the course from learning to be able to communicate in another language with family, for professional development, pleasure, or a trip. We focus on providing a dynamic, active, entertaining environment with experienced teachers in the field. To enhance their experience while working on topics such as spelling, grammar, and pronunciation.

Cultural Integration

We know that language barriers are not limited to a specific group, which is why we provide every person without physical, cultural, social and/or economic distinction with the opportunity to learn another language.

It has been a great pleasure to see students from all over the world visit us to obtain this service. We have had a great diversity of students from Venezuela, Cuba, Colombia, Puerto Rico, India and Arabia among so many. What are you waiting for? Join the group of brave people who are eager to break down that language barrier that limits us.


By: Nelson Padilla

Being a Spanish teacher is a very easy profession if the students have the need, interest and all the encouragement to learn, those are some of the biggest engines that make students achieve their personal goals with the language.

As a teacher, I am motivated to want to meet these goals, I have recognized the importance of language as a crucial need for different professions, since many of our students are professionals and in some circumstances of their work they must use the new language, to be able to communicate with the Spanish-speaking community or simply to be able to use it on a tourist trip.

In the personal area, a better social and enjoyable interaction has grown, where values are highlighted, especially empathy towards the student, trust, at a time when interesting topics are discussed that we all know and share in a natural and spontaneous way.

On the professional side I have gained more experience and pedagogical capacity, for example in the application of better learning strategies, playful activities and practical and simple assessment methods focused on the needs of students, it is important to mention that the use of technological tools has facilitated learning at school.

I have experienced a cultural exchange, this has been one of the best, since I shared traditions, customs and identity traits as a Spanish speaker, which are attractive and interesting, this I have done before, during and after a class, generating questions and curiosities for wanting to know our countries and our Latino community.

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